Wednesday 18 December 2013

Diane Arbus Analysis

  • She looks rather tired and her emotions are amazingly clear showing details and her baggy eyes.
  • Stress and what she is going through is clearly visible on her face and fingers.
  • Element: shape
  • Close up shot

  • In this photo, his eyes are sulky, but is now covered mostly with eye makeup. 
  • The cigarette and his expression gives the picture a feeling that he can be whoever he wants to be.
  • Lighting in the room is coming from his right, producing a shadow behind him.
  • Element: Shape/Circle

  • Overexposed in the back
  • The girl's hair is covering her forehead and nearly her eyes, giving her a mysterious look to herself.
  • The ruined eye makeup under her eyes looks blemished from her crying, showing her emotional expressions.
  • Element: Shape/Lines (hair)

Best Reflection shots

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Portrait Photographer Research Assignment

-The lighting is mostly positioned to her right while her other side is a bit darker.
-The picture is really zoomed in to her face to show the extra details on it.
-The model is staring at the camera, giving an intense feeling.
-Close up shot
-Element: Shape
-Corners of the photo burnt looking to look mysterious.

-The rules of third can be seen twice here. One from the dragonfly and the other one from the actor.
-The actor staring at the dragonfly makes an emotion of curiosity.
-Background is blurry while the foreground is focused.
-Medium close up shot
-Captures the detail of the special effects make-up really clearly.
Element: shape

- The way their faces aligned looks symmetrical not to mention their hand positions.  
-Flash was used in this shot as it can be seen from the shadows behind them.
-All the models are wearing the same outfit to have the same theme.
-Repetition of the same outfits, facial expression, hand position.
-Group shot
-Medium close up shot
-Element: Shape/Line